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“We are


BIO.  Heidi Trimmel: * 1982, Austria, Technical Physics, Landscape Planning and Digital Art, doctorate Meteorology, research stays at Météo-France and Norsk institutt for luftforskning, since 2023 at the International Institute of Applied System Analysis (IIASA).

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Ground based kardashev (2023)

Ground based kardashev ver 1.0 is the first recording of an experimental acoustic concept, converting ground based global radiation measurement data to the timescale of human heart beat. The work makes us able to hear the intensity and periodicity of the sun's energy income powering life on earth in a way we can relate to personally as human beings.

Photos: © Heidelinde Trimmel

Sun Dial (2023)
site-specific art/intervention

Sun Dial is a performative intervention in the exhibition space that marks the edge of the shadow cast by the building's exterior wall on the floor when the sun is shining - capturing the movement of the earth relative to the sun on the tiles of Mz* Baltazar's Laboratory.

Photo: © Heidelinde Trimmel

AOD_550nm (2023)
Numerical simulation field, photo rag baryta

OD_550nm (A) shows the mean daily aerosol optical depth (AOD), at 550 nm on June 24, 25, and 26, 2020 over central Europe (area extends from Minsk in the north to Marseille in the south) simulated with the EMEP-MSC-W numerical chemical transport model based on aerosol mass concentrations and specific extinction cross-sections (see Tegen et al. (1997): J. Geophys. Res., 102, 23895-23915, doi:10.1029/97JD01864 and Kinne et al. (2005): Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 1815-1834, doi:10.5194/acp-6-1815-2006, 2006).


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