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“When it comes to audio
we are much closer
to the


of our society.




open up a contrasting view
onto the vestiges of
the accelerated world.”


BIO.   Born in Vienna, Austria, works as a writer, radio-maker and media-artist. She is part of the Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory Collective, which runs a feminist art/hacker space in Vienna, the Wiener Radia Kollektiv (co-founders of and co-founded the Elektronik Teatime (running till 2015) and co-founded the Radio Ironie Orchester of Radio Helsinki, Graz, in 2019. She has been exploring the intersection between arts and science in a number of socio-political and artistic projects in the last couple of years.
Since 2017 she has been working on the participatory project "Was wir leben nennen" in Macondo. She forms the trio Sarros, (together with Veronika Mayer and Wolfgang Fuchs), a duo with Judith Unterpertinger and is in continual collaboration with Holunder Heiss, Nicole Sabella, Caroline Profanter and others. Currently she  is running the Radio Helsinki, the free radio in Graz, Austria, as a strategic CEO and occasionally lecturing.

Photos: © Lale Rodgarkia-Dara

Installation, directed Ultrasound-Loudspeakers, Biographical Visuals  and Text on B/W Slides

Part of the sound and war series, Steirischer Herbst, esc medienkunstlabor, Graz, Sept. 24th – Nov.18th 2016.
Texts and autobiographical images from different sources (mobile phone images, analogue photographs on 35mm, digital images) from two decades were transferred to slide film, thus removed from the technical narrative and the course of time, and now appear in a freely composable new narrative of a fragmentary essay, which is additionally played into the setting - barely audibly - via directed ultrasound speakers.

Photo: © Lale Rodgarkia-Dara

Stellvertreterkriegssonaten/ Schwammige Theorien/ Proxy war sonatas/ Nebulous Therories (2020)
Radio boradcast, 9th April 2020, 23:00, Kunstradio Ö1

Stück und Produktion Lale Rodgarkia-Dara und einem Text-Beitrag von Sahf Abdulrehman

Sound: JUUN, Wolfgang Fuchs, Lale Rodgarkia-Dara und Ingrid Schmoliner

O-Töne mit Interviews mit Sahf Abdulrehmann und Delagha Miakhel

Stimmen: Peter Wetzelsberger, Nicole Sabella, JUUN, Lale Rodgarkia-Dara

Gesänge und Geräusche von Marko Markovic und Eirini Tiniakou, Mastering Martin Leitner

Ein akustischer sezierter Blick durch drei Generationen und auf die Zustände von drei Gemeinschaften gerichtet;  ihre Phasen der Aggregation, Zusammenführung und Zerrissenheit, handelnd und behandelt,  zugleich zeitlose Momente, gewaltsame Trennungen. Schwimmend im akustischen Medium.

Die Geschichten changieren zwischen den 1930ern, den 1990ern und der Gegenwart. Der Austragungsort ist Österreich. Menschen in fixen Gemeinschaftskonstruktionen sind von Gewalteinwirkung beeinflusst und versuchen wie Zellen eines langsam formierenden multizellularen Organismus zu re-aggregieren, nur wenige schaffen die Morphogenese und ihre Wiederherstellung.


"Die Sozis waren in fünf Minuten weg in den 30ern." Zwei Theorien: der Außendruck, Europa, der Faschismus am Vormarsch, nicht aufzuhalten und die innere Zerrissenheit der Sozialistischen Partei.
"und ich hab dann die Stelle bei der Gemeinde nicht bekommen, wegen dem Dekret," schreibt Helenes Angi-Tant. Die Doppelverdiener-Verordnung, der Einstellstopp von Frauen in den öffentlichen Dienst, gottgewollte Ordnung, politischer Katholizismus.
Die Verordnung der Bundesregierung vom 15. Dezember 1933 über den Abbau verheirateter weiblicher Personen und andere Dienstrechtliche Maßnahmen" und davor 1933 die Notverordnung und alle Kummerl verhaftet. Sicherungshaft auf Zeit.

Photo: © Lale Rodgarkia-Dara

Stille Bilder Laut (2015)

Pictures taken on the first Saturday of the refugee-movement at Bahnhof Wien West are overwritten and translated into and combined with live-soundscapes.
The eerie atmosphere of this Saturday, August 29th 2015, is transformed by a series of pictures taken at the  shopping-mall area of Bahnhof Wien West.

“It was a bizarre situation. Suddenly all – in my opinion per se displaced – shops at the train-station were filled with a strange inaneness; an emptiness that dispread beyond a visual or auditable tangibility, hard to capture and hard to describe. For me they were filled with the vacuum of the near future.”

The installation was created by inscribing poems into the code of an image. Each poem, placed in a specific place in the code (opened in the plaintext), causes a shift and change in the image. 20 pictures, which then were transformed into slides, a 20m-long paper form with 19 poems hidden in the plaintext, a video and a sound system with a transducer.

The original image itself was created on 29 August 2015 at Vienna's Westbahnhof. In Nov 2015 the installation was shown as part of the showcase project "Luftsteuer", Mz. Baltazar's Laboratory, in December 2018 at Setzkasten, Vienna and in December 2019 at the pop-up gallery Amalgama Bozen.


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