“A projection is an invisible space
bundled rays of light,

bundled rays of light,
through resistance.”
through resistance.”
BIO. Julia Zdarsky is a contemporary artist born in Wien (AT) in 1967. Since 1991 she is a visualiser* / projection artist / pioneer of projection art. Since 2000 nobody* / activist in public space / projections guerill. Since 2001 femartivist / light opponent / critical art in political space. Since 2006 mother, eternal single mother and only bread winner.
Winner of the 2019 Gabrielle Heidecker Preis and in 2018 Marianne.von.Willemer-Preis for digital media. In 1996 she earned the Acknowledgment Award for graduation project radzebutz. Between 2011 and 2012 Starksy was a guest professor at the art university of Linz, in the Time based media course.

Photos: © Julia Zdarsky
Trau di ! eine feministische Projektionsguerilla Tour across Traunsee / a feminist projection gueilla tour at traunsee lake (2019)
Installation and tour ( in cooperation with FIFTITU%)
Trau di ! Is an evening boat tour together acroos traunsee lake. On board we have got activists, audience and projection guerilla, that let‘s her feminist text intervention bang against the high cliffs of Traunstein mountain. The texts glide across the rough water surface of the lake, they emerge, submerge, disappear. They disrupt and construct the surounding landscape, that they break through, fragement, make dynamic. Their playful diffraction creates interferences of landscape and projection, highlights, moving light poems of self determination escaping, resistance and vision. A song to autonomy – to all resistant and critical people, who question conditions of governance and dominance, stand against ideologies of inequality, and dedicate their lives to the axe(l) of good.

100 Jahre in 100 Minuten / 100 years in 100 minutes (2021)
Polymedia living Installation (in cooperation with ÖH | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
On the occasion of the 100 years anniversary of women‘s right to vote 100 years in 100 minutes seizes the occasion of women‘s right to vote in order to take a short trip through the last 100 years. We are taking in a new perspective on the development of rights as well as women*‘s actual livelihood, as well as significant changes of women*-relevant parameters.
The installation raises questions, reflects, offers an interim result, creates constellations between the past, present and future, positions itself to utopias, aiming to open up spaces for thoughts and opportunities, for reflection and discussion, and trying to write itself into a public discourse. In the middle of this political situation, in which women‘s* rights are again up for debate, before they have even been able to rise above the illusion of equality, it is an urgent task to give visibility and voice to this agenda.
The projection is formulated in short text miniatures, as analogue large scale images of light, and developed as scroll-films, a digital set of animated text modules intended for projections, with a diversity of live-controlers, for a dense poly-media live performance.These analogue and digital modules can be presented in different degrees of complexity and in diverse constellations, not only in public space but also at events of collaborators or other contexts.
We say farewell to patriarchy, to the barbaric times and total surrender, we put our focus on the vision, and celebrate loudly and visibly the beginning of Golden Times together. A diverse program is awaiting you, different toys and interaction for all agents, apparata, audiences, space-taking analogue large scale image projections, videos and animations, guerilla projections, music, sound installations, texts, fiery speeches, performances, installations, a wonderful exhibition, a small living room for hanging out and watching, Guldings as a new form of payment and currency, a feminism machine, a vulva throne with selfie-station: you as well can be the queen! Be who ever you want to be! Stroll around the street ballad for information and check out presentations of different feminist initiatives and organisations and artistic creations of 100 years of herstory.
Contributing artists, speakers, performers, initiatives:
AAA – Anonyme Ältere Aktivistinnen | ABZ*AUSTRIA | Agnes Peschta | Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki | Amina Lehner | Anita Gröbl | Artificial Museum | Barbis Ruder | BDFÖ | Berenice Pahl | Birge Krondorfer | Carina Maier | Changes for Women | Cynthia Schwertzig | Doris Jauk-Hinz | eop | Eva Grün | evaversum | feminismus & krawall | FIFTITU% | Kristina Foggensteiner | FranziskAnna | Frauenberaten Frauen | Frauendomäne | Frauenhetz | Frauenring | Frauenvolksbegehren | Gertrude Moser-Wagner | Heidemarie Ambrosch | Intakt | Käthe Knittler | Kerstin Hruza | Leonie Reese | Lisbeth Trallori | Litto | Maren Rahmann | Margit Appel | Maria Bergstötter | Marion Löffler | mediaOpera | Miriam Jesacher | Mz* Baltazar‘s Laboratory | Nadia Lisbeth Trallori | OBRA | Petra Unger | Plattform 20.000 Frauen | Rebekka Hochreiter | resa lut | Romana Hagyo | KalYpso | Ruth Wodak | Silke Maier-Gamauf | starsky | Stichwort Archiv | Sweet Susie | Tiana Katinka | united queendoms | Oona Valarie Serbest | Wiener Frauen*Spaziergänge uvm …
We are the Golden Revolution ! : polymediale living Installation | Semper Depot, Vienna, 2021 :

Photos: © Osaka
Niemand mischt sich ein / Nobody interferes (2018)
Polymedia installation, exhibition and discourse space at künstlerhaus 1050 vienna
Nobody interferes is a polymedia format consisting of an open working and discourse space, an exhibition, a cinema, interactive toys and media stations, a projection room, impulse talks, workshops and a protest. All parts are networked with each other and depend on each other. Together they result in an open and multi-layered format that invites you to get involved.
open workspace | discourse space | impulse space | process |
Visitors to the Künstlerhaus may expect to find an exhibition, but suddenly find themselves in an open work process in which they are invited to participate and participate in a variety of ways. work tables, equipped with slips of paper, pens, computers, printers, projectors, ... are standing around, surrounded by various seating arrangements and sofas that invite you to linger, plans, sketches and notes lie on the floor and walls, actors work at workstations and work steps of the project processes on site and are at the same time communicators who moderate and coordinate those unforeseeable processes. On certain days, activists, NGOs, civil organizations and charismatic, headstrong individuals are invited to hold impulse talks in this room, to introduce relevant topics, contribute content, places or routes. Both in advance and on site, allies are sought for international networking with related people, organizations stations and projects.
In this process, the content as well as forms of action are being generated, the places and routes for the guerrilla projections conceived, formalized, materialized, organised, prepared and set up. The highlights of this open process are the guerrilla tours through public space and their reflection back into the exhibition space in the form of documentation and specific artifacts.
2018 the Marianne.von.Willemer Prize for digital media:
for the project nobody interferes! Künstlerhaus Vienna, 2018 :